This year we baled and picked up about 1200 bales in a weekend; which buttoned up 1st cutting. Cutting the hay is done earlier in the week, and raking the day before baling. It's a good week of hard, hot, exhausting work. But we gotta feed the horses in the wintertime!
One of the hay fields
Kevin cutting another hayfield
My Dad and my brother Eli (and Brendan supervising) transfer oat hay bales onto a trailer to go to another barn.
Naomi baling hay in the field behind my house
Me, changing the shear pin on the flywheel.
Naomi. Below, my Dad is baling the lase several hundred of the first cutting.
Ethan and Emilie - this was actually taken last season.
Lord willing, we do it all again in September for 2nd cutting; much of which is sold.
I complain, but it beats buying that much hay, that is for sure!